De Stress Naturally Part 1

May 5, 2018

April 1st 2018.

As seasons change, we have the opportunity to honor each season by balancing ourselves. With the arrival of springtime, we can embrace the unfolding of spring. The earth emerges from its frost winter coat. Here in the Colorado mountains, we have been blessed with recent sweet rains, which are gifting us with a vibrant green earth, trees budding, rivers releasing the winter runoffs and birds nest building.

For the year, my microbes have been challenged. A daughter had challenging health challenges and as her mother, I dove into being with her, supporting and helping her in any way possible. My daughter is doing better and better each day. She has taken charge of her own health through meditation, movement, utilizing complimentary herbs, essential oils, massage and staying positive.

My gut reacted poorly. Never having digestion issues and being blessed with vibrant health, I was asking myself “why” and what was occurring?”  My food was always on the organic healthy side. I continued to exercise and meditate each day. As time progresses, my gut would waver back and forth from ‘normal’ to not ‘normal’.

I practice qigong each morning; recently intestinal exercises. Yoga and walks are imperative for me. Helping others and being mindful of thoughts and actions during my day really help. I noticed that as my daughter’s health improved, my gut wishes to do the same.

My acupuncturist has treated me for ‘damp’ condition which affects the performance and digestion through my spleen, which is earth energy. For now, I have removed cold foods, drinks from my diet. I use warming foods, mint teas, triphala and ginger. My food is green vegetables, some fruit and free-range protein.

A parasite cleanse is in my program for 18 days. I’m using Hulda Clarks Parasite Cleanse program. It is spring after all! What a delicious time to clean inside and out!


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