De Stress Naturally Part 2

May 5, 2018

April 14th 2018.

Here are some suggestions for de- stressing this spring.

I. Be grateful: Develop an “Attitude of Gratitude.”

When there is something that may not be going well, rather than focusing on what is wrong and how you can fix it, ask yourself “what do I have in my life right now to be grateful for?” This simple exercise doesn’t make problems go away but rather makes them less important for the moment. Focusing on gratitude can help you can find a solution to the current situation, as you are better able to cope with difficulties by addressing them with a gracious and grateful nature.

Rather than concentrating on what you don’t have, give thanks for each day by focusing on the amazing things in your life

Make a list of people and things in your life you are grateful for

Greet people with a smile or do something kind for another

Don’t allow pressures in your life to let you forget to be grateful

II. Be Creative- Express Yourself in Artful Ways

We are never too old to create. It could be painting a sunset, throwing a piece of pottery on the wheel, touring an art museum, looking at beautiful architecture or just allowing your imagination to run wild. Remember as children we eagerly dove into finger painting, coloring, drawing or making clay objects. I have taken classes in both stained glass and weaving; they were challenging as well as extremely rewarding. I have also studied pottery and look forward to making a clay piece some day soon. Recently I have been taking my camera with me to capture various images­­—creative activities, all.

Boost your intuitive nature by taking an art class

Read books

Write a story

Visit an art museum or exhibit

Take photographs of images that inspire you

Create a beautiful space in your home or garden


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