De Stress Naturally Part 3

May 5, 2018

April 21 2018.

III. Be Active- Get Out and Move

An active body keeps our minds sharp and creates more flexibility in our lives. Sitting around too much drags us down and compromises our health. You don’t have to become a professional athlete. I weave in and out of yoga and Pilates classes. Each day I do something to keep my heart pumping and my body strong knowing that I am taking care of myself through exercise and a healthy diet.

Take walks or bike whenever you can and leave your car at home

Join a Pilates, yoga or weight training class and have fun

Strive to do things that you thought you could not do

Stretch your body and breathe deeply during the day

Take up an outdoor sport­—learn how to ski, swim or even sail

IV. Be Inspired

Inspiration means to be ‘in spirit’ and comes from being fully present and full of vitality each day. We may be inspired by looking at the starlit night or hearing a beautiful symphony. Often when I am working on a book project I let my imagination take hold. I may read a passage that inspires or witness a wondrous sunset; listen to beautiful music or go for a swim. Inspiration keeps us bursting open and makes us feel more alive. It is an internal feeling that touches each of us in unique ways. Live expressively by filling your home with flowers, music, and anything that inspires you. Accept and expect all that is good in life, both inside and out, and discover your unique role in life—what brings you passion and enthusiasm?

Read inspiring books

Leap into action by doing something worthwhile for your community or an organization

Turn off the television, radio, and other distractions and sit quietly and listen to that still voice within

Inspire others by sharing your own purpose through ideas and abilities

Be true to yourself and your ideals

April 28th

V. Connect With Nature

As a child I relished living outdoors in the summertime. I would canoe miles of lakes or river inlets hearing the bottom of my boat go ‘swoosh’ over the water lilies while observing the ambitious beavers piling wood to build their homes. I swam every day, sometimes for miles across the lake or went hiking on a trail or up a mountain. Sometimes I found myself simply lying in a field of wild flowers while the honey bees drank nectar. One period of my life I volunteered at the Audubon Preserve along the shores of Lake Michigan. Nature has always given me peace of mind and a great appreciation for life.

Get out in nature and witness the natural beauty and stillness around you

Live around nature if at all possible

If you live in the city, visit a park or arboretum

Sign up for nature hikes and programs

Listen to the sounds of nature

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”

~ John Muir

VI. Be Selfish ~ Treat ~ Pamper Yourself

Being selfish is a difficult thing for many of us to aspire to. And yet it is important for us to learn how to be kinder to ourselves. I raised 5 children, and had very little time to do things for myself that didn’t involve the family. I disciplined myself to make time for just me. Sometimes I was able to squeeze an hour away. Sometimes it was as simple as a walk or a lunch with a friend. In the long run it made me a more tolerant and happier mother and wife. Serve yourself. You deserve it.

Schedule a day at a spa for a massage and facial

Have lunch with a friend

Have your family do the chores for a day

See a play or listen to a concert

Soak in a long bath and don’t forget to lock the door

VII. Be Mellow

Let’s face it. We live in a complicated and stressful world. You may live in a big city and commute to work or you may currently be out of work. There may be an illness or other challenge within your family. You may live alone and find your life lonely and uninspiring. There are ways to counter stress; each person copes with stress in their own way. You may internalize it and keep it bottled up inside. You may become extremely agitated and angry. You may drink, eat unhealthy foods, take drugs or smoke too much. You may get panic attacks or make yourself ill. The cortisol level in our body increases as we age, affecting our brain cells and immune system. Stress also creates higher levels of cortisol, which helps to create the stubborn fat in the stomach that we can’t seem to lose no matter what we do. There are ways to counter stress with the following suggestions.

Herbs (check with your practitioner if on a prescribed medicine); Serenity® by Gaia Herbs, usually found in a health store or online, contains Kava Kava and other herbs to steady the nerves

May spring bring you much joy!


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